Russian Market of the Dissertation Services


  • Тагир Равилович Калимуллин Национальный исследовательский университет Высшая школа экономики
Keywords: dissertation, academic education, falsification, market of the dissertation services, choice of partners


The goal of the paper is to analyze the reproduction mechanism of the dissertation services market in Russia. The first part of the paper is devoted to the key approaches to determine the dissertation research. Further on the problem of social embededness of the dissertation research is tackled. The considerable attention is given to the role of social networks. The institutional specifics of writing the dissertation are shown with the help of example of the exchange forms in the academic sphere.  

Author Biography

Тагир Равилович Калимуллин, Национальный исследовательский университет Высшая школа экономики

к. социол. н., старший преподаватель кафедры экономической социологии Государственный университет – Высшая школа экономики

How to Cite
КалимуллинТ. Р. (2010). Russian Market of the Dissertation Services. Journal of Economic Sociology, 6(4), 14-38.