Orthodox Christianity and Economy. The Review of the Russian Research, Dissertations, and Conferences Disputes on Social-Economic Approaches а Russian Orthodox Church in XIX-XXI Centuries.

  • Иван Владимирович Забаев National research university Higher School of Economics
Keywords: ROCh, ethnography, geography, local statistics, dissertations, contemporary theories, history


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Author Biography

Иван Владимирович Забаев, National research university Higher School of Economics
Аспирант Государственного университета Высшей школы экономики
How to Cite
ЗабаевИ. В. (2010). Orthodox Christianity and Economy. The Review of the Russian Research, Dissertations, and Conferences Disputes on Social-Economic Approaches а Russian Orthodox Church in XIX-XXI Centuries. Journal of Economic Sociology, 6(5), 108-144. https://doi.org/10.17323/1726-3247-2005-5-108-144
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