Attitude of the Ethnic Minority to the Ethnic Majority: Situational and Dispositional Factors

  • Елена Викторовна Улыбина
  • Анжелика Ленсмент
  • Ильзия Ахмет
Keywords: basic beliefs, intergroup relationships, intergroup discrimination


We discuss the negative attitude towards representatives of an outgroup depending on situational and dispositional factors. The situational factor is the status of ethnic minority which characterizes Russians living in Estonia. The dispositional factor is the level of basic beliefs. The results show that there are no significant differences in the level of hostility towards Estonians between Russians living in Russia and Russians living in Estonia. There are significant differences in the basic beliefs between people with different hostility levels towards Estonians.


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How to Cite
УлыбинаЕ. В., ЛенсментА., & АхметИ. (2011). Attitude of the Ethnic Minority to the Ethnic Majority: Situational and Dispositional Factors . Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 6(4), 94-102.
Work in Progress