Intelligence and Successful Prognostic Strategies in Iowa Gambling Task (IGT)

  • Татьяна Васильевна Корнилова Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Мария Алексеевна Чумакова National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Сергей Александрович Корнилов
Keywords: intelligence, prognosis, Iowa Gambling Task, IGT


Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is frequently used as a convenient model for studying processes of decision making and prognosis. Clinical studies generally provide support for Damasio’s “somatic markers” hypothesis. Many studies stress out the leading role of emotional components of IGT performance regulation in comparison with intellectual components. In our study the verbal, fluid and general intelligence were measured on a sample of adult subjects (n = 116) from the non-clinical group. Using linear regression, we showed that intelligence was a significant predictor of the successful decision making in IGT, in particular in three last blocks. Verbal IQ also became a positive predictor of the preferences of "good" decks (in block 4). However, intelligence did not significantly predict success in the earliest stage of the game, when the game was the most undefined and cognitive markers haven’t been revealed yet. Thus obtained results reflect the dynamics of decision-making components and changing in the intelligence impact in decision-making regulation. Higher intelligence provides more accurate cognitive representations of the task, choices of correct decks and as a result gaining more money in the task. We conclude by noting that the emotional influences and regulation predicted by the somatic marker hypothesis probably have the leading role at the earliest stages of decision making under uncertainty, where prognostic activity is not yet defined through cognitive markers. Uncertainty reduction related to the formation of game strategies through the large number of trials allows cognitive factors of adaptation and orienting in probabilistic environment take the leading role in decision-making regulation in IGT.


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How to Cite
КорниловаТ. В., ЧумаковаМ. А., & КорниловС. А. (2018). Intelligence and Successful Prognostic Strategies in Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 15(1), 10-21.
The Decision Making Personality