Forthcoming special issue "Exploring Dimensions of Academic Writing in the Modern Era"
Call for Papers: "Exploring Dimensions of Academic Writing in the Modern Era"
The Journal of Language and Education is seeking submissions for a forthcoming special issue titled "Exploring Dimensions of Academic Writing in the Modern Era."
This issue aims to explore the evolving landscape of academic writing as influenced by changes in technology, pedagogy, and research methodologies.
We Welcome Submissions on Topics Including, But Not Limited to:
- Innovations in academic writing instruction.
- The role of technology in shaping academic writing practices.
- Multimodal approaches to academic writing.
- Academic writing across disciplines.
- The impact of globalization on academic writing norms.
- Collaborative and peer writing in academic settings.
- Academic writing for publication: challenges and strategies.
- Academic integrity and ethics in writing.
- The evolution of academic writing styles and standards.
- English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and writing support.
- Digital literacy and its impact on academic writing.
- Writing assessment and feedback practices.
- The role of academic writing in career development.
- Academic writing for non-native English speakers.
- The future of academic writing in the digital age.
Special Issue Editor:
This special edition will be meticulously curated by Elena Tikhonova, a distinguished authority in the domain of academic writing.
Submission Deadline:
Please submit your manuscript by August 30, 2024.
Submission Guidelines:
Submissions should be original work that has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the submission guidelines available on the Journal of Language and Education website.
Visit the journal's submission portal to upload your manuscript and for more information on the submission process and guidelines.
This special issue seeks to bring together a diverse range of perspectives on academic writing, highlighting both challenges and innovations. We invite scholars, educators, and practitioners to contribute their research, case studies, and theoretical analyses to enrich our collective understanding of academic writing's current and future directions.