To Type or To Write: The Effect of Writing Modes and Time Constraints on Students’ Writing Quality
Background: The incorporation of technology into English writing class has prompted the use of computer typing as an alternative writing mode to handwriting. However, previous studies investigating the effect of writing modes on writing quality have delivered conflicting results.
Purpose: Considering the increasing prevalence of computers in English writing classes and the time limitation commonly employed by teachers in writing courses, the present study attempts to identify the interaction effect of writing modes and time constraints on EFL students’ writing quality.
Method: This study adopted a counterbalanced quantitative design; data were collected from 30 EFL undergraduate students majoring in English Education, using an adapted version of Jacobs’ ESL Composition Profile. All participants were subjected to four writing conditions, based on the combination of typing using a computer or writing by hand and a 30-minute or 60-minute time allotment.
Results: The findings of the present study suggest that there is no interaction effect between writing modes and time constraints on writing quality F(1, 116) = .086, p = .770, and despite the higher scores obtained by the essays typed with computer, writing modes have no significant effect on writing quality F(1, 116) = .820, p = .367. The results also suggest that time constraints significantly affect writing quality F(1, 116) = 14.308, p = <.001.
Conclusion: Due to the absence of writing modes effect on writing quality, English teachers are recommended to permit both writing modes in writing essays and to provide more time for students to write, especially in a creative writing environment as opposed to an examination environment.
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