Collaborative Climate and Knowledge Sharing among ESP Teachers: A Mixed Method Study

Keywords: collaborative climate, knowledge sharing, ESP teachers


Research on teacher collaboration emphasizes the key role of collaborative culture for teachers’ functioning; however, there is little empirical evidence to investigate its relationship with knowledge sharing among university ESP teachers. In the present study, the relationship between EFL teachers’ collaborative climate and knowledge sharing was sought. The data were collected through two surveys of 328 Iranian ESP teachers. A Pearson correlation was carried out to investigate the relationship between the two variables of the study. A multiple regression analysis was also run to examine if ESP teachers’ collaborative climate predicts their knowledge sharing. A follow-up interview with 13 ESP teachers was conducted to consolidate the findings and explore the contribution of teachers’ collaborative climate to their knowledge sharing. The Pearson correlation coefficient test demonstrated a significant positive correlation for four measures (organizational culture, the head of department, teachers’ attitude, workgroup support), and the collaborative climate. The results of the multiple regression also indicated that four subscales of collaborative climate were the predictors of ESP teachers’ attitude towards knowledge sharing. Analysis of the interview data, on the other hand, indicated how teachers’ collaborative climate contributes to their knowledge sharing through one of the four main sources, namely helpful atmosphere, encouragement received from the heads of departments, the expectation of reward, and work group support. In line with these findings, several practical recommendations were offered.


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Author Biographies

Majid Farahian, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch

Department of ELT, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran

Farshad Parhamnia, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch

Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.


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How to Cite
FarahianM., & ParhamniaF. (2021). Collaborative Climate and Knowledge Sharing among ESP Teachers: A Mixed Method Study. Journal of Language and Education, 7(2), 124-139.