An Investigation of the Relationship between Global Perspective and Willingness to Communicate in English in a Chinese University Context

Keywords: English as a Global Language, English as a Medium of Instruction, English Learning, English Language Teaching, Global Perspective, Willingness to Communicate in English


In an era of increasing global connectivity, acquiring a global perspective (GP) and being able to communicate in English are important for both personal and professional development. People with a GP are expected to be more willing to engage in intercultural activities, and more willing to communicate in English. Although previous studies have focused on having a GP and willingness to communicate (WTC) in English, few have investigated whether there is a correlation between these two variables. This study, conducted at a Chinese university, aimed to determine the relationship between GP and WTC in English. Data were collected from students via a questionnaire (n = 114) and interviews (n = 7) at the end of the autumn semester in 2018. The findings demonstrate that the students’ GP and their WTC in English through the English curriculum did not progress to a significant extent, and their GP and WTC in English were correlated. Furthermore, three themes that affected the interviewees’ WTC were extracted from the interviews: global cognition, self-actualization, and intercultural experience. These findings suggest that it would be beneficial to learn English by developing a GP, and that educators can enhance students’ WTC by helping them cultivate that perspective.


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How to Cite
FangF., ChenR., & ElyasT. (2020). An Investigation of the Relationship between Global Perspective and Willingness to Communicate in English in a Chinese University Context. Journal of Language and Education, 6(1), 39-54.