On Tenor and its Prosodic Markers in Rhetorical Discourse
tenor of discourse, rhetorical strategy, prosodic markers, tone of voice, irony, cross-cultural communication
In rhetorical discourse, tenors can be formed intentionally and used as rhetorical strategies to implement the speaker's goals. The article reports on a study of the contextual category 'tenor' and its prosodic realisation in rhetorical discourse. The paper examines rhetorical, auditory and acoustic features in the samples of English academic presentations (lectures). The author argues that tenors can reflect both the relationships of the participants of a particular speech event and the relationships associated with a broader sociocultural context. Analysing tenor as a sociocultural phenomenon the author demonstrates its correlations with some specific features of British speech culture. Special attetnion is given to the role of prosody in conveying and identifying tenors. The article contains an overview of the prosodic markers of tenor: tone of voice, pitch parameters, temporal characteristics. The study of tenor and its prosodic markers contributes to a fuller understanding of the influence of contextual factors on the prosodic realisation of discourse. The observations made in the paper may be useful to develop cross-cultural communication competence and rhetorical competence of EFL students.Downloads
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How to Cite
FreydinaE. (2016). On Tenor and its Prosodic Markers in Rhetorical Discourse. Journal of Language and Education, 2(4), 31-38. https://doi.org/10.17323/2411-7390-2016-2-4-31-38
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