Online Learning in Modern Digital Era: A Distance Training Program for Greek Language Teachers

Keywords: Greek minority education, teachers training, Greek language teachers, bilingual learning environments, distance training program


Purpose: The purpose of this study, which was part of a broader research on Greek minority education in Albania, was the evaluation of a training program tailored to language teachers’ needs who teach Greek in bilingual/intercultural environments. In particular, the study attempted to contribute the development of an integrated framework for the training of language teachers in the modern educational process. Specifically, distance training was carried out, in modern and asynchronous environments through a training platform. According to the mapping of the needs of the Greek Language teachers in bilingual educational environments throughout Albania and based on the specifications dictated by the international literature, 10 thematic modules were designed with modern methods in the instruction of Greek.

Method: The training program was implemented in 43 language teachers of Greek minority education in Albania from the area of Argyrokastro, Delvino and Agioi Saranda. For the evaluation of the program four forms were utilized that were carried out at different stages of the program: a) Initial, b) Formative, c) Final and d) Follow-up Evaluation. To collect the quantitatively data, four questionnaires were distributed at all stages of the training program to trainees.

Results: The results indicated the effectiveness of the training program and highlighted the active involvement of trainees in all stages of the program. It revealed the development of teachers’ ability to take decisions in order to improve daily teaching routines with the ultimate goal of achieving a quality language education in bilingual/intercultural environments. The trainees acquired, through digital learning processes, the ability to implement innovative language activities in their classrooms, laying the foundations for the consolidation of a modern way of thinking of language teachers.

Implications: The collection of data will contribute to the implementation of more effective training programs in the region and the application of modern teaching methods by teachers who teach in bilingual/intercultural environments in general.


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Author Biographies

Spyridon Bouras, University of Western Macedonia, Florina, Greece

Spyridon Bouras is a Ph.D researcher at the university of Western Macedonia, Greece and he is  head teacher of a primary school. He holds a Bachelor in Primary Education and a Master degree in Applied Linguistics (University of Western Macedonia, Greece). He has participated in various national and international conferences, has published chapters in books and participated in the European project "Signals". During his undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D studies he was a scholarship holder of the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) and the "Afon Zosima" Legacy. His research focuses on: Teaching a second/foreign language to young learners, Teaching Greek as a second language, Interdisciplinary approaches to teaching a second/foreign language, intercultural communication, language learning and Intercultural Communication strategies, Early bilingualism/multilingualism, Methods and Materials in Bilingual/SL Education, Assessment in language learning, Greek Diaspora.

Panagiotis Barkas, Eqrem Çabej University, Argyrokastro, Albania

Panagiotis Barkas was born in 1958 in Argyrokastro, Albania. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Tirana. For many years he worked as a journalist in Albanian media and as a correspondent for many Greek media. He was a key contributor to the SKAI radio station, the Athens News Agency and the ERA. Today he is a professor at the Department of Greek Language and Literature at the University of Argyrokastro. He has written hundreds of articles and several essays on developments in the ethnic Greek minority and Greek-Albanian relations, many of which have been published in the Albanian press. He is considered one of the most valid political analysts in Albania both in terms of Greek-Albanian relations and developments in Albania

Eleni Griva, University of Western Macedonia, Florina, Greece

Dr Eleni Griva is a Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Life Long Learning – University of Western Macedonia and Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Western Macedonia - Greece.  She is the Director of the Research Institute of Greek Language-URC TEMENUS, University of Western Macedonia.  She is the coordinator of the Master Program in Educational Studies and Information Technologies of the Primary Education Department (University of Western Macedonia – Greece). She was also the coordinator of the module “Testing and Assessment in Language Learning” (at the postgraduate level) in the Faculty of Humanities of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) for four years (2013-2017). She has also been collaborating with other Greek Universities at postgraduate programmes. Her research focuses on: Teaching a second/foreign language to young learners, Teaching Greek as a second language, Interdisciplinary approaches to teaching a second/foreign language, intercultural communication, language learning and Intercultural Communication strategies, Early bilingualism/multilingualism, Methods and Materials in Bilingual/SL Education, Assessment in language learning, Greek Diaspora.


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How to Cite
BourasS., BarkasP., & GrivaE. (2024). Online Learning in Modern Digital Era: A Distance Training Program for Greek Language Teachers. Journal of Language and Education, 10(2), 32-44.