How to Write a Review (Overview) Article / Book Review
Look at the title, the table of contents, the abstract and the introduction to get some idea of the central focus and the coverage of the article and the author's reasons for writing the article. Skim quickly through the whole article paying attention to tables, illustrations or other graphic materials.
Read more closely the first section to understand the main issues to be discussed and indicate the theoretical or conceptual framework within which the author proposes to work. Read closely the final section covering the author's conclusions and main reasons why these conclusions have been reached.
Then read the whole text thoroughly to develop a basis on which to critically review it. Decide which aspects of the article you wish to discuss in detail in your review: the theoretical approach? the content or case studies? the selection and interpretation of evidence? the range of coverage? the style of presentation? the main issues which the author has specifically examined? a particular issue (because it has importance for you, even if it is not the main issue for the author)?
Having read in closer detail the sections which are relevant to discussed issues make notes of the main points and key quotations.
The structure of a review should include:
A Critical Review and Assessment of the Article: