Exploring the Relationship between Language Attitude and Language Awareness towards World Englishes: A case of Indonesian pre-service English Teachers
Introduction. World Englishes (WE) is an important topic, especially regarding pre-service English teachers' attitude and awareness towards the plurality of WE in English language teaching (ELT) practices. Many previous studies have discussed language attitude and language awareness separately. In contrast, research into the relationship between language attitude and awareness towards WE, especially in the context of pre-service English teachers, has not been widely explored.
Purpose. This study aims to fill the gap by researching the relationship between language attitudes and awareness of WE among pre-service English teachers, and its implication for their teaching practice.
Method. This study employed a mixed-method approach using correlational and interview-based research. The research data was obtained from 62 respondents who filled out questionnaires from three universities in Jakarta and Tangerang, Indonesia. In addition, there were nine interviewees.
Results. The results showed a weak relationship between Indonesian language attitude and awareness of WE pre-service English teachers. Respondents indicated a positive attitude towards WE but had moderate awareness.
Conclusion. We concluded that pre-service English teachers view WE as an essential topic, but they tend not to teach WE because they have to obey the school curriculum.
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