Literary Works and Technology Aids Inclusion in Foreign Language Learning: Case of Kosovo Students’ Approach

Keywords: approach, affiliation, English/French foreign languages, inclusion, literary works, technology aids


Introduction: The research in this paper was adapted to provide insight into the expectations, prejudices, and openness of higher education students of the University of Prishtina to the inclusion of literary material in the teaching/learning of English and French as a second foreign language (FL2). Simultaneously, as the modern and technologically developed world requires, the paper deals with the opinion on the contribution of appealing teaching material and technology aids in the acceptance of literary works (LWs) in foreign language learning (FLL).

Purpose: Apart from some excerpts in the course books, LW inclusion in foreign language learning (FLL) is almost non-existent in the Kosovo education system. Through this study, we concurrently aim to raise the awareness of the students of the advantages that literary works can bring into the foreign language classroom incurring learner-centred teaching/learning, progression of critical thinking and judgment skills as well as sharing experiences and opinions through non-linear and more spontaneous manner.

Method: In this study, 69 respondents are freshmen at the University of Prishtina (UP), Faculty of Philology who are mainly future teachers of foreign languages and elected English and French language as their FL2. The method used in this paper consists of quantitative and qualitative approaches aiming for a more thorough analysis through the SPSS statistical computer program and descriptive statistics.

Conclusion: The findings revealed that the students have a positive approach to the merge of LWs and foreign language learning, less through printed LWs and more through digitized literature. Hence, applying the merging of literature with language, in the new pedagogical practices and English/French language curricula can be optimistic expectations.

Significance: The significance of the study lies in the fact that this under-investigated issue can help in creating insight into the current condition in FL classrooms and help FL curriculum changes in the Kosovo middle and upper high schools as well as higher education FL course curriculum. This study raises hope for merging language and literature in FL classrooms.


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How to Cite
KrasniqiS., & GjikolliL. (2024). Literary Works and Technology Aids Inclusion in Foreign Language Learning: Case of Kosovo Students’ Approach. Journal of Language and Education, 10(2), 71-83.