Scrutinizing the Relationship between Vietnamese English Majors’ Intrinsic Motivation and Perceptions Towards Five Components of the 5Ts Framework

Keywords: English majors, intrinsic motivation, 5Ts framework, relationship


Background: Intrinsic motivation (IM) is not far from a new research topic in English teaching. However, the relationship between this learning construct and the 5Ts framework, proposed by Renandya (2014) as a teacher-induced motivational agent, has not been explored.

Purpose: This work scrutinised the relationship between IM and perceptions towards five components of the 5Ts framework in an attempt to provide a simple means for effective teaching 

Method: 110 English majors responded to a self-questionnaire containing two scales measuring IM and perceptions towards the 5Ts as a motivational agent. Besides descriptive statistics and Cronbach’s alpha, the present study employed other necessary techniques, such as Pearson’s correlation and regression, to analyse the obtained data to draw results which had pedagogical implications.    

Results: The research questionnaire reached acceptable reliability, and the students expressed positive levels of IM and perceptions of the 5Ts framework. The results also revealed a positive relationship between these two variables, and students’ perceptions of the 5Ts components predicted their IM. 

Conclusion: The findings support the hypothesis that the 5Ts framework enhances motivation. In addition, the teacher might need an added approach to enhance the learning motivation in the students with low levels, parallel with the 5Ts implementation for the entire class.


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How to Cite
Nguyen ThiD.-H. (2024). Scrutinizing the Relationship between Vietnamese English Majors’ Intrinsic Motivation and Perceptions Towards Five Components of the 5Ts Framework. Journal of Language and Education, 10(2), 123-133.