‘Publish and Flourish’ instead of ‘Publish or Perish’: A Motivation Model for Top-quality Publications

Keywords: higher education, research management, academic publishing, WoS & Scopus journals, publish-or-perish, motivation, potential, stakeholders


Although the ‘publish-or-perish’ principle has spread globally, many authors believe that it is a negative reinforcer (motivator) and harmful. With this paper, we have tried to help overcome the growing pressure of negative reinforcers on researchers. The paper aimed to propose a model for factors influencing researchers to publish in WoS/Scopus journals, based mainly on positive reinforcement and a combination of concepts including theories of control, management, stakeholders, and psychology. The model was intended for Bulgarian universities. It covered 17 motivational drivers and 29 potential features of internal university stakeholders directly involved in the topic. Factor ranking was not incorporated in the model. The research methodology covered the methods of expert evaluation, analysis/synthesis, induction/deduction, and the toolkit consisted of a comprehensive survey and Kendall’s rank concordance coefficient. The model was implemented at a Bulgarian state university. The empirical study was conducted among 120 researchers. It resulted in factor rankings by university internal stakeholders. The highest-ranked motivational driver was reputation, and the lowest-ranked was the publish-or-perish pressure reducing. The highest-ranked potential features were university prestige and potential and support for promotion. We believe that this model contributes to the theory of behaviour control. The model will also improve university research management by enriching its tools.


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Author Biographies

Maya Lambovska, University of National and World Economy

Professor, DSc., PhD. Department of Management.

Daniela Todorova, Todor Kableshkov University of Transport

Prof., PhD. (Economics), Rector.

How to Cite
LambovskaM., & TodorovaD. (2021). ‘Publish and Flourish’ instead of ‘Publish or Perish’: A Motivation Model for Top-quality Publications. Journal of Language and Education, 7(1), 141-155. https://doi.org/10.17323/jle.2021.11522