An Overview of Trends and Challenges in Higher Education on the Worldwide Research Agenda

Keywords: higher education, educational reforms, blended learning, learner autonomy, quality of higher education, active learning, flipped classroom, innovations in education, translanguaging


Being a crucial part of the JLE scope, higher education is witnessing an era of supra-national, national, and institutional changes, including massification via massive online open courses (MOOC), politically launched or influenced trends like the Bologna process, increasing academic mobility spurred by globalisation and continued development of internationalised education, interculturality and multiligualism, worldwide innovations in higher education and teaching approaches (deep active learning, blended learning methods, gamification, storytelling, alignments of higher education and work, translanguaging in higher education instruction).
Further, the JLE editors dwell upon other relevant issues, including transformation of universities, student-teacher relationship, social equity and access to higher education, students’ engagement and commitment to learning, university excellence factors.
The editorial entails some guidelines for potential authors regarding priority themes JLE is going to promote within its scope.


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How to Cite
TikhonovaE., & RaitskayaL. (2018). An Overview of Trends and Challenges in Higher Education on the Worldwide Research Agenda. Journal of Language and Education, 4(4), 4-7.