Analysis of CLIL-Related Research in School Settings: A Systematic Review
Background: Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an emerging approach in the global educational landscape, and as such, there is a lack of a systematic review of this field.
Purpose: To explore CLIL-related scientific publications in school settings around the world.
Method: A systematic review was performed following the PRISMA guidelines in WoS and Scopus databases. A total of 142 articles published in the period 2018-2022 were analysed according to three types of variables: extrinsic to the scientific process, methodological, and content based. The results of the methodological and content-based variables were contrasted with the portfolio of CLIL evaluation measures and analysed through the lens of the 4Cs framework.
Results: The findings revealed that CLIL studies were performed in a wide range of countries across continents. It was the secondary school which drew most scientific interest. Apropos of the methodological variable, there was a balance between qualitative and quantitative studies, and a questionмnaire as a tool was favoured by the researchers. The major scientific interest lay in the communication principle, while cognition was understudied.
Conclusions: There was a growing scientific interest in CLIL. Although the major interest laid in linguistic gains, other fields of research transpired. The conclusions provide further agenda for CLIL research.
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