Exploring Translanguaging during Metacognitive Strategy Use on L2 Listening and Writing Skills

Keywords: listening skill, metacognitive approach, second language (L2) learning, translanguaging, writing skill


Background: The educational concept of translanguaging has garnered significant attention over the past decade. Its significance in fostering language acquisition in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom has been increasingly acknowledged. However, there is an emerging necessity to strategically implement this pedagogical approach to enhance learning outcomes and improve overall effectiveness.

Purpose: The present study sets out to investigate the influence of translanguaging during metacognitive strategy use and its impact on second language (L2) listening and writing abilities.

Method: The present study employed sequential mixed-method research involving a pre- and post-test design. A total of 16 college students was purposively selected as samples and underwent 11 sessions of applying translanguaging during metacognitive strategy use (the intervention used).

Results: Study results reveal a significant difference on participants’ pre- (x̄=9.19) and post- (x̄=15.56) listening comprehension tests. An increasing trend of improvement on their quizzes in terms of writing components namely: grammar and structure, content, lexical resource, logical order, and supporting details was also found. In addition, the components on “grammar and structure” and “supporting details” have improved considerably. The participants, likewise, perceived translanguaging as a normal and not a disrespectful practice for them as EFL learners. Qualitative findings revealed that participants have welcomed the use of the intervention as it aids them to process their listening comprehension and writing skills in L2.

Conclusion: The pedagogical application of translanguaging approach during metacognitive strategy use is concluded as an agentive and facilitative pedagogical strategy that helps learners to not only improve their listening comprehension and writing skills but also promotes deeper cognitive fluency, improves L2 learning, and fosters them to become more involved in the learning processes of metacognitive planning, monitoring, and evaluating.


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How to Cite
RobillosR. J. (2023). Exploring Translanguaging during Metacognitive Strategy Use on L2 Listening and Writing Skills. Journal of Language and Education, 9(3), 110-128. https://doi.org/10.17323/jle.2023.14329