Language Attitudes and L2 Motivation of Korean Language Learners in Malaysia

Keywords: language learning motivation, language attitudes, Korean as a Foreign Language, Malaysia


This study examined relationships between language attitudes and L2 motivation of learners of Korean as a Foreign Language (KFL) in a large public university in Malaysia. It employed the socio-educational model of L2 motivation and focused on the relationship between the language learners’ attitudes toward speakers of the target language and their motivation to learn Korean. A systematic statistical analysis was performed to analyse the data collected from 19 (N=19) students. A robust statistical procedure adopted in this study allowed some worthwhile insights into the language attitudes–L2 motivation nexus. The findings indicated that there existed a statistically significant relationship between the language learners’ instrumental orientation and their attitudes toward the speakers of Korean language.


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Author Biography

Fumitaka Furuoka, University of Malaya

Dr Fumitaka Furuoka is Associate Professor at Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya.


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How to Cite
NikitinaL., FuruokaF., & KamaruddinN. (2020). Language Attitudes and L2 Motivation of Korean Language Learners in Malaysia. Journal of Language and Education, 6(2), 132-146.