Covid-19: An Impromptu or Trend-setting Factor in Research on Language and Education?

Keywords: Covid-19, higher education, emergency remote teaching, emergency publishing,, neologisms


With the flood of research on Covid-19 in 2020 and 2021, pandemic-induced emergency is giving rise to new unprecedented challenges for all strata of the society, including science and education. The JLE editors focus on the first outcomes and hurdles the pandemic-caused research publishing has led to. The authors dwell upon the research on education in the context of COVID-19 constraints with a special accent on higher education and L2 teaching, considering the key trends as a response to the gaps in the field knowledge. Some attention is paid to emerging linguistic research and new word coinages to define the new phenomena. The editors summarize the obstacles that “fast-track” publishing and shortened peer review have built up, suggesting some estimates as of the Covid-19 effects of the research avalanche for science.


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How to Cite
RaitskayaL., & TikhonovaE. (2021). Covid-19: An Impromptu or Trend-setting Factor in Research on Language and Education?. Journal of Language and Education, 7(4), 9-15.

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